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Ubisoft Shares Statement On Skull And Bones Delay

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Ubisoft Shares Statement On Skull And Bones Delay

Damage control, anyone?

Skull and Bones

It’s been a rough 24 hours or so for Ubisoft. The company saw its stock prices fall after the cancellation of three unannounced games and the publication of its most recent sales figures, which also revealed a number of games that had underperformed. Perhaps most notable though, was the announcement that its pirate-themed adventure RPG Skull and Bones would be delayed once more.

This marks the sixth time that Skull and Bones has been pushed back. Needless to say, the news was met with frustration from the gaming community, especially amongst those who’d already pre-ordered the title. Ubisoft has now issued a statement on the Skull and Bones delay, explaining that “further polish and balancing” is needed to ensure that the game is fully ready for release.

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