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PlayStation State of Play Is Now Rumored For March

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

PlayStation State of Play Is Now Rumored For March

Is Sony kicking off their 2023 presentations next month?

After coming off Nintendo Direct and Microsoft’s Developer Direct streams, eyes are starting to focus on Sony. We’re in 2023, and the company has yet to really kick off its marketing campaign. So what we’re wondering now is just when we might start seeing these presentations from PlayStation. Fortunately, Jeff Grubb, a reliable industry insider, has commented on the matter during a recent podcast of Game Mess. If things prove to be true, we might see this first marketing stream from Sony happen as soon as next month.

Jeff Grubb noted that from what he understands, Sony would have a PlayStation State of Play livestream soon. It could be as early as March of this year, and with this event should come a couple of announcements. Of course, being that this is a State of Play, don’t expect PlayStation to reveal too much. In fact, the industry insider even says that this will be a low-key event with not much being highlighted for players. But that does seem to be the norm for these types of presentations. Instead, the focus is typically on bigger showcase events. So while we might get a couple of announcements during the rumored State of Play, you won’t find anything too massive being unveiled.

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Instead, you’ll want to divert your attention to PlayStation when they bring out a showcase likely before E3 this year. With most companies bypassing E3 for their own showcases, we’ll likely see a few of these pop up before E3 actually arrives. It’s not surprising either since E3 has missed a couple of years due to the pandemic outbreak. Furthermore, companies can save quite a bit of money producing just a stream event separately than having a live presentation at E3.

Again, these are just rumors, and there’s no official announcement about what Sony is planning. Still, with the PlayStation 5 being more readily available, there are likely quite some incentives going on to start heavily marketing the new games coming out for the platform. For now, we’ll have to wait for official announcements to be made from Sony on just when we can expect the next PlayStation State of Play or showcase events.




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