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God Of War Ragnarok Fan Finds “Unique” Look For Atreus During Cutscene

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God Of War Ragnarok Fan Finds “Unique” Look For Atreus During Cutscene

Why do you look like that, boy?

When Kratos returned to gaming on the PS4, many were surprised to find that not only was Kratos in a new land full of Norse entities but that he had remarried and had a son. That son, Atreus, could’ve easily been the Achilles Heel of the soft reboot. After all, we’ve all seen shows and series and other media where they decide to “tack someone on” to the main character to keep things “fresh and fun” and perhaps “provide some youth” to things. However, the game was fantastic because of the well-written relationship between Kratos and Atreus, which continued in God Of War Ragnarok.

In the game, don’t worry; we won’t spoil too much. Both Kratos and Atreus have to deal with various things. For Atreus, he has to come to terms with who he really is as a demigod and the abilities that this grants him. One such ability that he gets is the ability to shapeshift. That comes in handy during the game, but there is a catch. On Reddit, one fan decided to pause a cutscene featuring one of the transformations of Atreus, and the result is what you see below:

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Not the prettiest of sights, right? But that’s what you get when pausing the game at a point you’re arguably not supposed to. Before you say, “is that a bug?” it’s likely not. Santa Monica Studio can’t predict everything gamers will do in a title, which includes pausing a cutscene at a specific moment so that they can get a result like this.

Plus, don’t forget that Atreus is going through a transformation in this scene and thus isn’t meant to be “whole” at present. So there are some caveats as to why the “boy” looks that way.

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Given that it was Reddit who found this “look,” it shouldn’t be too surprising that they took the time to make fun of the “boy.” Many made rat-themed puns, including “blessing” him with the name “Ratreus.” Or saying that he was “bearly” what he looked like.

Our personal favorite one is, “You are not a real boy!” Classic.

Jokes aside, God Of War Ragnarok is one of the best games you can get right now. It’s won numerous awards, and its characters are once again a standout for people to enjoy. Even with the “unique forms” of Atreus, the title is one you won’t be scared away from easily. Unless you’re scared of bears or rats, that is.

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Source: Reddit




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