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God of War Ragnarok Gets Weird Japanese Commercial And Rave Reviews!

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God of War Ragnarok Gets Weird Japanese Commercial And Rave Reviews!

Do the song and dance, boy!

God of War Ragnarok

God of War Ragnarok has been anticipated since it was first shown in 2020. The PS4 continuation of the franchise took many aback with its different gameplay, the way Kratos came off with his personality, and more. Gone were the days of it just being a brutal action game where you’d kill enemies without care or mercy. Now, we were getting a game that was as thought-provoking as it was fun to play. The sequel has been getting a lot of buzz, thanks to previews. But many want to know the review scores for the game. Thankfully, those have just come out, and they’re very optimistic.

At the time of this writing, as noted on Twitter, the game sits at a 94 on Metacritic. Of course, that might go up or down depending on how many other reviews are approved for the site. But even if it was to be a few points lower, the game is clearly beloved by those who have played it so far.

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Many are saying that because of these review scores, the game could easily be in the running for Game of the Year. Or that the game could win it. The current frontrunner is Elden Ring, which came out in February this year. Most felt that title by FromSoftware would be hard to overcome, but that’s apparently not the case now. Or, at least, it has some competition. Plus, there are other recent titles and one upcoming RPG that might also throw a monkey wrench into a “surefire win” for the open-world title.

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