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Street Fighter 6 Shows Off “Developer Match”

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Street Fighter 6 Shows Off “Developer Match”

Strength vs. Technique

street fighter 6 characters from capcom

Many big-name titles are coming out in 2023, but one that has been building hype since last year is Street Fighter 6. The beloved fighting franchise had a bit of a misstep with its previous entry thanks to the “tactics” of Capcom, but with the new title, things seem to be getting back on track. The team noted that they fought hard to make the game one that experienced players would love, but new fans would want to try. You can see that desire in both the look of the game, the expanded modes, and the control schemes they’ve teased.

You can also see it in the matches they’ve made and posted online to showcase the new style/power of the fighting system. The game feels like a step up from before, and a “Developer Match” showcases that. In addition, Capcom put on a special match to highlight two of their newest characters, Manon and Marisa, and showcase their best moves. You can check it out below.

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As you can see, the two fighters are as different as different can be. Marisa is a megaton warrior who will break you with every punch she lands, and Manon is a graceful fighter who will dance around you if you let her. Both characters are already getting quite the fandom online, and that’ll grow over time as they get shown off like this. The other new characters will also get love in developer matches like these going forward, so stay tuned for them.

The control scheme is one of the best changes to Street Fighter 6 that the developers have already discussed. They know that players have different tiers in terms of their abilities and how they can stand up to more skilled gamers. So they made multiple control options so you can pick one based on how skilled you are or aren’t. There’s even a “button masher mode” for you to partake in within the offline space.

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When you’re online, you’ll get another new feature from Capcom, a new area where you can conduct online tournaments and have rooms full of players you can battle in various ways.

That doesn’t even cover the new special character creation mode where you’ll make a character to suit your desires, then have them battle around the world and be trained by the Street Fighters so they can learn their moves. Create your ultimate fighter and then put them to the test when the game arrives on June 2nd!

Source: YouTube




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