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Street Fighter 6 Getting Infiltrated By Players?

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Street Fighter 6 Getting Infiltrated By Players?

This…could be a problem.

Street Fighter 6 super attack

What do you do when you’re excited about an upcoming video game? Do you eagerly await new news on the title? Do you watch every new gameplay video or trailer for it multiple times? Do you ensure you get a cool pre-order version of the game so you can get extra swag? All of these are acceptable and fun ways to get hyped for a coming video game. However, there are bad ways to get hyped for a title, and one is being displayed right now via Street Fighter 6. How so? Well, some people are already playing it quite a bit.

At first, you might not understand the meaning behind that. After all, the game isn’t out yet, there isn’t a demo to play, and the betas for the title have long since ended. Right? Well, kind of. The official betas for Street Fighter 6 have indeed been done for a while now. However, some gamers have been able to “crack’ the game and get access to the beta once again.

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To be clear, we mean that it’s only the game’s beta version. It still has many bugs and lacks features that will release when the full title comes out. However, by having access to this version of the title, even in its limited form, it’s something that people can play and take advantage of. Specifically, they’ll take advantage of “learning the systems” to easily jump into the game when it fully launches and have an early advantage because of the playing time they already have invested in it.

Another thing to note is that this “cracked version” of the game is easily accessible. It’s not a handful of people doing this. There are pages and Discords that’ll easily help you find this version and crack into it. Capcom has learned about this and did send an email saying that players are “breaking the terms of service,” but there’s very little they can do to prevent this from continuing. Sure enough, more people access the “cracked version” every day.

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Is this something to be concerned about? It’s hard to say. As some pro players have noted, the “advantage curve” will eventually flatten out once other players get enough time with the title. But it will make things unfair at first if you play one of the people who had the cracked version.

So if you fight someone online with god-tier skills despite the title just coming out, now you know why that is.

Source: VG247




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