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Hogwarts Legacy Developers Offers A Closer Look At The Sorting Hat

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Hogwarts Legacy Developers Offers A Closer Look At The Sorting Hat

Which house will you be sorted into?

Hogwarts Legacy is slated to hit the marketplace this coming month, and it has more than a few gamers eagerly anticipating its release. While we still have a slight wait on our hands, there is time for developers to highlight new aspects of the game. On the official Twitter account for Hogwarts Legacy, developers have shared several characters, spells to even environments featured within the game. Today, a new tweet showcased the iconic Sorting Hat from the franchise.

If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, have read the novels, or watched the films, then you undoubtedly remember the iconic Sorting Hat. It’s a hat that has been used for generations and is placed on a newcomer student to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The process is relatively straightforward. Newcomers to the school are gathered together and presented to the rest of the school. From there, a student is called up one at a time to wear the Sorting Hat as the Sorting Hat will dwell within their mind to understand their skills and attributes. Afterward, the Sorting Hat will shout out what house the student will be sent to for their time at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

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