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Dead Island 2 Meet The Slayer Teaser Highlights Ryan

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Dead Island 2 Meet The Slayer Teaser Highlights Ryan

Meet Ryan, one of the six slayers in Dead Island 2.

Fans have been waiting for what feels like eons to get their hands on the proper sequel to Dead Island. After being unveiled years ago and swapping development studios, Dead Island 2 is finally gearing up for its big release. While we still can’t wait to hear more about this game and what exactly the sequel will bring to the table, there is a new teaser to check out. We know that there are six slayers within the game, and the developers are slowly offering players a look into these slayers. Today, a new teaser highlights Ryan and what this character comes packing with.

Ryan is described to be a sarcastic character, and before the world went into a chaotic mess with undead zombies roaming around, he fancied himself as an exotic dancer. Of course, his skills now have to transition into fighting for his life. The undead horde is flooding Los Angeles, California. To get through the madness, Ryan will have to make use of his two notable skills. The skills that this character will have equipped are Retaliation and Seesaw. For Retaliation, Ryan will get a force boost when blocking or dodging an attack. Meanwhile, the Seesaw will give Ryan a bit more health regeneration when he knocks down a zombie.

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Those might be handy skills for Ryan as he’s going through Los Angeles, California, with a mission. It’s not just for survival for Ryan, as he’s out to find his little brother that got left in Fresno. Not knowing if he’s alive or dead, Ryan will have to work through the streets as he makes his way home. You can check out a bit of this character in action within the video right here. Unfortunately we can’t embed this teaser as its age restricted forcing viewers to catch it directly on YouTube. So far, this is the third character that has received a teaser, as there was also a teaser for Jacob and Amy.

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Meanwhile, for those of you who might have missed out on the reveal trailer since Dead Island 2 made its way back on players’ radar, then it’s available below. Dead Island 2 takes place a few months after the first game, where now an outbreak of the virus has spread across California. Players can expect this game to make its way out into the marketplace on April 28, 2023. When the game does release, it will be made available for the PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S platforms. 

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