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Guilded, The New Discord, Has A New Update Coming!

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Guilded, The New Discord, Has A New Update Coming!

Guilded is getting a new fall update!

Guilded is slowly taking the world by storm and just might be becoming the new Discord. Guilded is a platform that is super similar to Discord in regards to designing a server based on your favorite game, your steaming genre, your community…or even your comic book club! However, one of the big differences between Discord and Guilded is that…Guilded is free.

Today, Guilded took to Twitter to talk about their latest update that is coming this fall. We are going to go over it a little bit today and see what there is to look forward to in this new update. First off, let’s take a look at the tweet Guilded posted.

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