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Sony Executive Sets Sights on Gaming Gear Immortality

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Sony Executive Sets Sights on Gaming Gear Immortality

Aiming to be the Nike of the gaming world!

Sony Executive
Image is of one of Sony’s new headsets from the new InZone line

A Sony executive has made it clear that, with the company’s new InZone line of gaming gear for eSports players, it wants to be what Nike is to professional athletes. Nike is the gold standard for sports stars, so wanting to achieve that level in another industry is no easy feat, that’s for sure.

Sony announced its new line of gaming gear last month, and the collection includes a variety of goodies such as several monitors and headsets that can be used for both consoles and PC. Sony has started to move fast as well, with the company already partnering with Riot Games to use InZone gear at the famed Valorant Champions Tour. Not only that but the Japanese industry giant’s gear will also be used at the Evo fighting game tournament too.

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The Sony executive with the big aspirations is deputy President Kazuo Kii. Kii claims that Sony’s background with televisions and a large range of gadgets will give them the advantage in the race to the immortal land. Kii explained:

“There is no dominant leader yet among established producers. The situation is like a landscape of warring states. This presents an opportunity for Sony. Many existing producers trace their origins to PC manufacturing. Because monitors are designed to display data, there are problems to overcome with vibrancy and contrast.”

Remember when we mentioned that the products will be compatible with consoles? Well, that might be true, but the fact is that InZone products are hoping to target hardcore PC gamers because that’s where the higher activity is. Kii also added:

“We’re going to start at the top and learn what top eSports gamers want. The vision we have in mind is that of Mizuno and Nike providing shoes for athletes. You can win prize money in esports. If a monitor’s response time lags even slightly, you lose. Sony products aren’t going to let people engaged in these grueling battles down.”

To become the gaming gear’s equivalent of Nike is one heck of an objective to try and reach, but you may as well aim high if you want to do something right, and anyway, if there is one company that can do it, it’s the Japanese giants.

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