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Dead Island 2 Listing Removed From Steam

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Dead Island 2 Listing Removed From Steam

Cancellation rumors about the Dead Island sequel rekindle after Deep Silver removes the Steam page.

DeadIsland2HeaderThe sequel to Dead Island may be gone forever, as it’s Steam page was removed entirely from the website. According to the Steam DB page, the change took place about 11 hours ago at the time of writing this.


Which isn’t a good sign, given the game’s tumultuous development history. It was initially announced by Deep Silver back in June 2014 during E3, stating the game was going to have a Spring 2015 release according to their reveal trailer. The video showed a jogger’s morning through a California-like setting, and around him the zombie apocalypse was slowly unfolding.

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EuroGamer Czech told via Twitter that their internal sources had pushed the release date of the game back to September 2015.

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