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Black Myth Wukong: 10 Bosses You Should Fight With The Smash Stance

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Key Takeaways

  • Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong is effective against bosses, and closes distance easily for big damage.
  • Smash Stance is key for agile bosses like Black Bear Guai, Yin Tiger, and Tiger Vanguard.
  • Erlang Shen, a tough boss, requires a maxed Smash Stance build, quick dodges, and perfect counters.

The Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong is what players start off with once they’re past the prologue. It’s the “simplest one” in the sense that it’s a starter, but its adaptability to various enemies and bosses makes it particularly effective. To put it briefly, it deals a lot of damage, is highly mobile, and even allows players to See Through enemies with the Resolute Counterflow.

Black Myth Wukong: Best Secret Bosses, Ranked

Black Myth: Wukong has several hidden boss fight for players to find. Among them, these are the ones that stand out.

Due to its pros, the Smash Stance is quite effective against bosses in Black Myth: Wukong. There are naturally some that are easier to fight with the Pillar or the Thrust Stance. However, many are simpler when pit against the Smash Stance, especially if players are adept at close-quarters combat. With that said, here’s a list of bosses that fans should fight with the Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong.

The chosen bosses are easier to fight with the Smash Stance, but that doesn’t mean the Pillar or the Thrust Stance aren’t viable at all. The game’s design allows for all of them to flourish, and personal playstyles can overcome any pitfalls.

10 Captain Kalpa-Wave

Homing Blood Attacks and Slow Moveset

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Captain Kalpa-Wave


Watch Out For


Chapter 3, Valley of Ecstasy - Near Longevity Road Keeper's Shrine

  • Homing Blood Missiles
  • Blood Crystal Flowers erupting from the ground
  • Lengthy strides and leaps, so moving quickly is important
  • Will
  • Yaoguai Core x2
  • Refined Iron Sand x1
  • Mind Core
  • The Spirit of Captain Kalpa-Wave

Players encounter Captain Kalpa-Wave in Chapter 3 Valley of Ecstasy. This isn’t a difficult boss fight in Black Myth: Wukong, but the Smash Stance can help wrap it up much faster. The main reason here is that although the boss is slow with its attacks, it has lengthy strides and can jump a fair distance to get away. Plus, its AoE ground attacks, Blood Crystal Flowers, and homing “blood missiles” render the Pillar Stance’s escape moot. All these factors reduce the impact of Black Myth: Wukong’s Pillar and Thrust Stances.

The Smash Stance can help easily close in the distance and execute Resolute Counterflows to negate damage. The freedom to move freely will also allow players to quickly close the distance. Since Captain Kalpa-Wave's moveset is also slow, they will be able to easily pull off perfect dodges and execute Charged Heavy Smash Attacks, which will also restore health if needed.

9 Gold Armored Rhino

Extremely Tanky and Quick Boss with Lightning Moves

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Gold Armored Rhino


Watch Out For


Chapter 6, Foothills - Rhino Watch Slope

  • Ramming and kick attacks
  • AoE lightning damage
  • Standard hits deal almost no damage, breaking the horn first is crucial
  • Will
  • Gold Suozi Armor (Mythical Chest Armor)
  • Cold Iron Leaves x3
  • Fine Gold Thread x1
  • Mind Core x1

The Gold Armored Rhino is not a difficult boss per se, but it’s certainly way more tanky than what players may have come across. The Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong is recommended here as dealing damage at a rapid pace is key to smoothly finishing it up. The boss has ramming, and dash attacks, swings wildly with its horn, and even uses its feet to kick out. To make things tougher, it also has homing-in lightning AoE attacks that should be avoided.

The most important point to note here is that players need to break the Gold Armored Rhino’s horn to deal any real damage. This can be done via a fully Charged Heavy Attack, or even using a Spirit like the Wandering Wight. The horn does regenerate soon enough, so using running around with Smash Stance to keep hitting this Black Myth: Wukong boss is recommended. It also helps keep the pressure on the horn when it's back, which also deflects most regular attacks.

8 Black Bear Guai

Agile Boss with Easy-to-Counter Moves

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Black Bear Guai


Watch Out For


Chapter 1, Black Wind Cave - Bodhi Peak

  • Attacks while in Cloud Step mist
  • Fire erupting from the ground
  • Quick slashes that deal a lot of damage
  • Will
  • Flame Ebongold x1
  • Yarn x5
  • Silk x2
  • Yaoguai Core x1
  • Stone Spirit x1
  • Mind Core x1

The Black Bear Guai is Chapter 1’s final boss and can be better taken down with the Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong. It is very agile and does move quickly from one part of the arena to another, but its moves are widely telegraphed. Since the moves are also relatively easy to See Through, players can nullify a good chunk of their attacks. As such, getting up close and personal won’t be an issue after a couple of runs.

Black Myth: Wukong— Best Spirits, Ranked

Spirits can alter the outcome of a fight with their abilities, so Black Myth: Wukong players should always equip the best ones.

Getting in close range with the Smash Stance is also important because its rapid moveset and tanky HP can prolong the fight otherwise. It should be noted that the Smash Stance is important here because this boss does a lot of fire damage on hit, especially with the fires in the arena. This makes being on the move necessary. Also, equipping the Fireproof Mantle Vessel in Black Myth: Wukong is crucial as well.

7 Tiger Vanguard

Punishing Fight that needs Quick Counters

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Tiger Vanguard


Watch Out For


Chapter 2, Crouching Tiger Temple - Temple Entrance

  • Rapid punch attacks, multiple in a row
  • Sword slashes, especially one from a long distance
  • Leaves a stone decoy and comes from elsewhere with a sword slash
  • Will
  • Rock Solid Spell
  • Yaoguai Core x2
  • Mind Core (Material) x1
  • Keenness of Tiger (Key Item) x1

The Tiger Vanguard is a very tough boss fight in Black Myth: Wukong, and one where the Smash Stance is helpful. It comes in very quickly with its punches and leaps, the sword attacks hit hard, and it is always moving. The stone figure/sword slash attacks are quick as well, but they’re easily avoidable. Due to this moveset, this boss fight needs quick counter-attacks to be finished off smoothly.

There’s another important thing that makes the Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong apt for this boss fight. The stance holds Focus Points between perfect dodges and Charged Heavy Attacks bring in some Damage Reduction as well. These play well into each other and bring another level of defensive measure, important against a punishing boss like this.

6 Yin Tiger

Punishing Fight with Constant Dodging

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Yin Tiger


Watch Out For


Zodiac Village - Reach via Ruyi Scroll

  • Spinning and vertical slash attacks
  • Disappears and reappears with a strike
  • AoE attack after embedding sword into the ground
  • Ebon Flow (Transformation)

Players can beat the Yin Tiger blacksmith boss in Black Myth: Wukong any time after the Chen Loong questline in Chapter 3. They can fight him any number of times they want, but it’s better to take him on later. The Smash Stance is recommended here. The Thrust Stance will also work with its Whirling Thrusts and Tactical Retreat, but the Pillar Stance should be avoided due to its more static nature.

The Yin Tiger has a lot of spinning and vertical slashing moves, and his sword also protects him like a shield in certain positions. He also has a very good reach, especially with his teleportation moves. The constant balance between dodging and Light Move Combo can help chip away at him. All moves hit hard, but some are “slow” and flashy, with Resolute Counterflow being easier to use. This can help negate damage and land a good chunk of hits.

5 Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast

Very Aggressive Boss, Counter with an Easy Trick

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast


Watch Out For


Chapter 5, Bishui Cave - Corridor of Fire and Ice (End of secret area)

  • Slamming attacks that deal fire damage
  • Ramming attacks, three in a row
  • Spits flame and sets entire area on fire
  • Bishui Beast Bit x1
  • Celestial Ribbon x1
  • Daoist’s Basket of Fire and Water (Curio)
  • Fine Gold Thread x1
  • Mind Core x1
  • The Bull King’s Iron Horn x3

To start off, the Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast is a very tough and aggressive boss. The Smash Stance here can be far more handy, and it can make the fight significantly easier when paired with a lesser-known trick. This makes it fair for either Smash or Thrust, but the former can help end the fight more quickly.

Black Myth Wukong: Best Vessels That Should Be Left For The Hardest Bosses

Vessels in Black Myth: Wukong are special items with great active and passive effects. Their usage is quite impactful against bosses.

The Bishui Golden-Eyed Beast can be fought in two rooms other than the starter. The first has it very aggressive with a lot of fire damage, the entire arena on fire, ramming attacks, punches, and much more. There’s a doorway to a bigger area and then the ice battle room, which also leads into the lava/magma room. The boss is way easier to fight in the ice room as its biggest advantage, fire, is taken away. After that, a decently leveled Smash Stance in Black Myth: Wukong can easily take it down.

4 The Scorpionlord

Hard-Hitting Boss with Poison Damage

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - The Scorpionlord


Watch Out For


Chapter 4, secret area Purple Cloud Mountain - Bounds of Deity’s Abode

  • Sting has a long and high reach, moves quickly
  • Deals a lot of Poison damage
  • Claw attacks are rapid and hit hard
  • Will
  • Refined Iron Sand x1
  • Sky-Piercing Horn (material)
  • Gold Tree Core x1
  • Mind Core x1
  • Stained Jade Gourd

The Scorpionlord is, easily, the toughest boss fight in Black Myth: Wukong. The Smash Stance is very important here because players need to be quick on their feet in dealing attacks and avoiding hits. The boss has a long range with his sting and moves quickly, which renders the Thrust Stance less effective. Further, the attacks also reach high, which renders the Pillar Stance’s unique benefit sort of moot.

It is very important for players to max out their Smash Stance build stats in Black Myth: Wukong before attempting this fight. The Scorpionlord’s sting attacks are very fast, deal poison damage, and come in multiple hits in a single combo. The claws also deal quite a bit of damage. Essentially, players need many perfect dodges, especially to continue getting in some hits. It’s also important to end the fight as quickly as possible.

3 Red Boy & Yaksha King

Easier-to-Dodge Focused and AoE Attacks

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Red Boy & Yaksha King


Watch Out For


Chapter 5, Field of Fire - Fallen Furnace Crater

  • Red Boy deals a lot of fire damage
  • Both have slashing attacks with a long reach
  • Red Boy has an aerial attack phase and Yaksha King has an AoE ground spike move
  • Will
  • Fine Gold Thread x1
  • Celestial Ribbon x1
  • Gold Tree Core x2
  • Kun Steel x1
  • Mind Core x1
  • Yaksha Armor Set

Red Boy is the penultimate boss in Black Myth: Wukong Chapter 5, and presents a very tough fight. Upon defeat and a subsequent cutscene, he turns into the final boss, Yaksha King. The first fight is much more difficult than the final, especially due to the fire damage that players can get. The Fireproof Mantle can be of immense help against Red Boy. However, due to the nature of the second fight, and whether players are adept at dodging, the Weaver’s Needle can be a better pick. The Plantain Fan, too, can be especially helpful against both, as not only can it continuously stagger them, but it can also put out the fires that Red Boy puts out.

Both bosses have kind of the same moveset, spinning and vertical slashes, dash attacks, and some AoE moves. Two attacks should be kept in mind though: Red Boy has one phase with aerial clone attacks and the final boss Yaksha King has a move with spikes coming out of the ground. The Smash Stance can be really helpful against the two Black Myth: Wukong bosses due to its agility. The relative ease of reading telegraphed attacks for Resolute Counterflow and perfect dodges also work in its favor.

2 Erlang Shen

Varied, Hard-Hitting Moveset, and a Shield

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - Erlang Shen


Watch Out For


Chapter 3, Great Pagoda

  • Use Plantain Fan to get rid of the shield bar
  • Rapid thrust and slash attacks, very low downtime
  • Aerial moves with lasers and a flurry of swords
  • Azure Dome (Spell)
  • Celestial Ribbon x2
  • Kun Steel x1
  • Tri-Point Double-Edged Spear (Weapon)

Killing the secret true ending boss Erlang Shen three times will net players the Sun Wukong Stance in Black Myth: Wukong, which is more than enough reason to take him on. However, before players start this fight, they need to be prepared. The Plantain Fan is easily the best Vessel for this fight, and the Smash Stance wins over the Thrust by a decent margin. The former is important because it absolutely melts Erlang’s shield bar; it’s difficult to deal damage otherwise.

Black Myth: Wukong — All Transformations, Ranked

Black Myth: Wukong features a total of ten transformation spells, each offering unique strengths and weaknesses.

This Erlang Shen fight has three phases, and the latter two are naturally the most aggressive. He deals slash and thrust attacks with his spear, uses his dog and axe to deal damage with martial arts-style moves, and even uses his spear to throw swords. In the next phases, he also goes up in the air to shoot lasers, a flurry of swords, lightning damage, and more. The most important point here is that this is, almost unanimously agreed, the toughest boss fight in Black Myth: Wukong. Players need Mortal Medicines like Evil Repelling Medicament, Spirits, Transformations, and great reflexes to emerge as winners. The Smash Stance definitely helps them have an easier time with it.

1 The Great Sage’s Broken Shell

Boss Mirrors the Greatest Danger, Players Themselves

Smash Stance for best bosses in Black Myth: Wukong - The Great Sage's Broken Shell


Watch Out For


Chapter 6, Foothills - Water Curtain Cave near Son of Stones fight on Verdant Path

  • Usually dodges Heavy Attacks if free and not staggered
  • Uses all four stances available to players
  • Uses spells and sometimes even negates what players use

Story completed

The Great Sage’s Broken Shell is the “final” boss of Black Myth: Wukong; the Stone Monkey that precedes it is an easy fight. The final boss isn’t as much of a challenge as Erlang Shen is, at least based on the moves’ speed and damaging power. However, the shell uses all the moves and stances that players themselves use, and the Sun Wukong Stance as well. These can certainly be a bit disorienting and difficult to dodge in the first playthrough, but the overall fight is well-balanced and interesting.

An important point to note here is that the Great Sage’s Broken Shell also uses the same spells that players have access to. The use of Immobilize in particular is interesting as the shell steals a sip from the player’s Gourd. The boss moves all around the arena and comes in for rapid attacks. The moves are relatively easily telegraphed, and a well-structured Smash Stance build can be really helpful in this Black Myth: Wukong boss fight. The shell's tendency to dodge Heavy Attacks can be frustrating, though.

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Black Myth: Wukong

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Top Critic Rating:81/100 Critics Recommend:77%
PlayStation 5 , PC
August 20, 2024




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