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Black Myth: Wukong - How to Beat Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Black Myth: Wukong's fifth chapter takes us to the Flaming Mountains, home of the King Ox and countless deadly bosses. One pair of bosses that can be quite troublesome to deal with is the deadly duo of Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud. The former is a three-headed spellcaster that uses homing projectiles, while the latter takes a direct approach with incense sticks bundled together into a burning club.

Taking Down Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud is a necessary step in traversing Black Myth: Wukong's flaming mountains and retrieving the fifth relic. This guide will break down their moveset and provide suggested strategies for dealing with them.

Black Myth Wukong: Best Relics, Ranked

Relics are special items in Black Myth: Wukong that provide significant buffs, and the best ones greatly enhance the Destined One's combat abilities.


Black Myth Wukong Immobilize Spell In Action

When heading into this fight, the Immobilize and Pluck of Many spell combo is going to be your best friend. By immobilizing either of the bosses and sending in the clones, you can shred their health bar very easily. This is a mana-intensive but highly effective means of dealing damage in this boss fight. Rock Solid is a very effective means of parrying Misty Cloud's fiery melee attacks, which can open them up to counterattacks if you get the timing right. Azure Dust and Ebon Flow are excellent options when selecting a transformation. Both will provide you with the means to tank Cloudy Mist's homing projectiles and Misty Cloud's melee combos, while also dishing out a ton of damage in return. Azure Dust is the easiest to use and is likely to stun the bosses with its spell after you've tanked a few hits to charge it up, while Ebon Flow requires a touch more precision and can tear through their health with heavy attacks after building up focus by blocking.

Boss Moveset

Cloudy Mist

Black Myth Wukong_Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud_Phase 1

The fight begins with Cloudy Mist firing a beam of light, sweeping horizontally. With good timing, you can dodge through it by dodging in the direction it's coming from, though jumping over it will also work if you can nail the timing. Once you close the distance on Cloudy Mist, they'll start using melee combos with their staff too. They'll raise their staff, before swinging it back and forth. After the second swipe, Misty Cloud will dive in to perform a third hit, so watch for them to appear and then dodge to the side of their leaping attack. This is your chance to take a few swings at one of them since there'll be an opening before they start their next attack.

When Cloudy Mist slowly sweeps their staff, creating motes of light as they do, be prepared to dodge. These motes will split into fast-moving homing projectiles after he's done conjuring them. Dodge towards them as they get close to roll through them, but be cautious. They turn quickly and are very hard to shake. Cloudy Mist will usually try to follow up this attack with a heavy swing before Misty Cloud jumps in with an overhead slam a moment later. Dodge the heavy swing, then dodge through Misty Cloud's slam and don't go on the offensive just yet because Cloudy Mist conjured a few more motes with that heavy swing, and those motes will flash and fire beams of light at you. You'll need to dodge a split-second after you see the flash to avoid these beams, and then you can go on the offensive again.

Black Myth Wukong_Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud_Flashbang

Another attack Cloudy Mist likes to use begins with them hunching over as light begins to build up inside them. Get ready to dodge when they lurch upright again, as they'll fire out three consecutive beams of light very quickly. Dodge to the side and don't stop until the third beam has fired. You can get in some hits after they stop firing.

When Cloudy Mist has lost at least a quarter of their health, they'll start using a new attack where they plant their staff in the ground and begin waving their arms. Retreat as far back as possible to avoid being caught in the stunning flash the staff emits a moment later, followed by Misty Cloud joining the fight in earnest (This flashbang attack is used by Cloudy Mist to tag out to Misty Cloud). Cloudy Mist will follow the staff flash by hurling a large projectile at you, which can be dodged by moving to either side.

Misty Cloud

Black Myth Wukong_Misty Cloud

After using the flashbang move for the first time, Cloudy Mist will turn invisible and Misty Cloud will take point. Misty Cloud favors melee attacks that inflict burning, and jumping lunge attacks to close distance. They can also swap Cloudy Mist back in briefly to perform their ranged attacks, including the triple laser. When using the triple laser attack like this, Cloudy Mist will swap to Misty Cloud right afterward, who will jump at you to catch you off guard. Stay calm, dodge the lasers, then dodge the jump attack and attack Misty Cloud. When Misty Cloud hefts their burning club in both hands they'll prepare an overhead swing. Dodge to the side, then dodge through the horizontal swing that they follow this with (don't dodge backward as it launches a fire trail ahead mid-swing). They'll then do another small horizontal swing before two overhead slams, so wait for the second slam and then attack.

When Misty Cloud pauses after an overhead swing with the club still on the ground, they'll kick up a blast of smoke and momentarily stun you. You can avoid this stun by dodging just as the club emits the blast. After the blast they'll tag Cloudy Mist back in to create a volley of homing projectiles, with Misty Cloud charging at you for an overhead slam as the homing bolts fire. This can be difficult to dodge, but if you time it right you can dodge through the projectiles and the slam at the same time with consecutive dodges. You can also use Azure Dust to tank it if you have it equipped.

Black Muth Wukong_Cloudy Mist and Misty Cloud_Show Him Our Teamwork

When Cloudy Mist says something about "Show Him Our Teamwork", Misty Cloud will appear suddenly and launch into their melee combo again. Be cautious and look for Cloudy Mist as you dodge Misty Cloud's attacks, as the former is preparing a big ranged blast while Misty Cloud tries to distract you. Once Misty Cloud's combo ends, watch Cloudy Mist and dodge to the side when their blast gets close to you. This is a good time to use Immobilize on them and dish out some damage.

They'll switch the "active" boss regularly and mix up their combos, making it hard to focus on a single target, but as long as you stay calm and wait for the openings, you'll be able to whittle them down. Once one of them goes down, the remaining boss won't learn any new tricks and can be taken down quite easily.




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