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Black Myth: Wukong - How To Beat The Scorpionlord

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

As you explore chapter 4 of Black Myth: Wukong, you can find your way into a secret area called "Purple Cloud Mountain." The main boss of this area is the Duskveil, but there is a second boss can only be fought before you've beaten the Duskveil.

This second boss is called the "Scorpionlord" and can be challenging. Taking down the Scorpionlord in Black Myth: Wukong will require precise dodging and quick decision-making, since he does a lot of damage and can quickly kill you if you aren't careful. Many of his attacks also inflict poison, which can turn a prolonged fight into a war of attrition you can't win.

Black Myth: Wukong— 10 Best Skills, Ranked

Activating these skills will allow Black Myth: Wukong players to go through the story without too many problems.


Black Myth Wukong A Pluck of Many

When heading into battle against the Scorpionlord, I recommend you equip (and fully upgrade via the skill tree if possible) Rock Solid. This can be used to parry several of the Scorpionlord's attacks and will prove very useful. Since he attacks fast and chains together combos, the Ebon Flow Transformation can be very helpful, allowing you to block, build up focus, and then unleash a counterattack. Umbral Abyss is another good choice, dishing out good damage and having a decent chance of freezing the Scorpionlord.

When you want to do a lot of damage fast, using Pluck of Many and Immobilize is very effective. If you have the upgrade that allows your clones to use spells, they'll do a great job of keeping the Scorpionlord occupied too.

Boss Moveset

Black Myth Wukong_Scorpionlord_1

At the start of the fight, the Scorpionlord will perform a spinning dodge backward before lunging towards the Destined One. Use Rock Solid as he's about to hit you to deflect it, then hit him once or twice before watching for his counterattack. (He recovers very fast) He'll usually follow this by performing a spinning attack, rapidly whirling his tail around himself as he rolls on the ground. He will spin three times on the ground before swiping his tail once through the air, so either jump over the ground spins and then attack while he sweeps the air, or roll through the ground spins and attack during the aerial swing. The Scorpionlord can repeat both the lunging attack and the spin attack throughout the fight, so use the same tactics whenever he tries them and punish him when he's vulnerable afterward.

When the Scorpionlord begins a flip, dodge to either side to avoid his overhead tail slam. This will be followed by a horizontal swipe that can be jumped over or dodged through, and then a fast thrusting strike that should be dodged by rolling to the side. The Scorpionlord can skip straight to the horizontal swipe or the thrusting strike when he isn't performing an attack yet, so keep an eye out. When he raises his claw, pointing downward, and it starts glowing, he's preparing a flurry of claw-swiping attacks that come out tremendously fast. The safest way to avoid this is by dodging backward and sprinting away since this attack doesn't travel very far.

Black Myth Wukong_Scorpionlord_Grab

Another combo the Scorpionlord can perform is a heavy claw swing, followed by a spin into another claw swing, then a ground punch, a ground slam, and finally an overhead tail slam. You should dodge backward to avoid the claw swings, then dodge around the Scorpionlord as he performs the ground punch, slam, and tail slam. This will put you in a perfect position to counterattack. When the Scorpionlord charges towards you with his claw dragging through the ground, dodge to either side as he gets close to avoid an upward swing.

If he burrows into the ground you'll need to move away and dodge when the rumbling gets close to avoid getting grabbed, then dodge the tail swipe that follows the grab or he'll catch you anyway. (You can also transform if you're worried you won't dodge it, since transformations can't get grabbed) One of the Scorpionlord's more irritating attacks begins with him stabbing his tail into the ground. This then creates pools of poison underneath you that will erupt, so move away quickly, rolling if necessary, and hold off on attacking until the poison surges have ended.


Black Myth Wukong_Stained Jade Gourd

After beating the Scorpionlord you'll receive a Sky-Piercing Horn (used for weapon crafting), a Deathstinger (used for weapon crafting), 2x Fine Gold Threads (used for armor crafting and upgrading), a Mind Core (used for crafting celestial medicine), and the Stained Jade Gourd. The Stained Jade Gourd greatly increased drinking speed when equipped, leaving you vulnerable for considerably less time when healing.




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