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Death Stranding 2 Story Was Crucial For Actress Elle Fanning’s Involvement

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Death Stranding 2 Story Was Crucial For Actress Elle Fanning’s Involvement

Hideo Kojima was banking on Elle Fanning to join the game development.

It’s no secret that Hideo Kojima enjoys films and bases several of his characters around these movies. Likewise, the developer has taken up with using specific actors to portray certain characters in video games. With Death Stranding, the debut title from Kojima Productions, Hideo Kojima used several famed individuals for the game. So when it was unveiled that a sequel was coming out, there were bound to be even more familiar faces popping up. One of those individuals that joined in on the project was actress Elle Fanning.

Apparently, Elle Fanning’s involvement was quite crucial to the development of Death Stranding 2. Thanks to NME, we’re finding out that Hideo Kojima revealed in a recent podcast episode, Brain Structure, that Elle’s talents were sought out. Her talents were apparently so crucial that the entire game script would have been completely rewritten. This is due to the actress taking a very major role in the game, although we didn’t see Elle Fanning’s character pop up within the game marketing trailers so far. 

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Little is known about what the sequel will entail for players. But we do know that the development of Death Stranding 2 was tweaked just from meeting Elle Fanning. Hideo Kojima spent time with Elle Fanning, and with it came some new sequences and scenes. Although, we’re certainly interested in knowing what the plan was if the actress had turned the project down. Perhaps there wouldn’t have been a Death Stranding 2 game announced so quickly after the launch of the first title. 

Ellen Fanning has quite a career in film and television. But this new project will be her first attempt at a video game production. At the current moment, we’re left wondering just when we’ll get our hands on Death Stranding 2. In the meantime, you can check out the announcement trailer for this game that came during The Game Awards 2022. That video is available above; likewise, those who have yet to play the first Death Stranding can do so now. The initial installment is available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC platforms. You can even watch our Before You Buy video coverage on the title in the video embedded below.

ALSO READ  Death Stranding 2 Likely to Appear at Gamescom 2024




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