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Company Of Heroes 3 Trailer Highlights the British Forces

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Company Of Heroes 3 Trailer Highlights the British Forces

Behold the Resilient British!

When it comes to the “classics” of a genre, you’re always interested in seeing what new measures will be taken to make future titles feel special. It’s taken a while, but Company Of Heroes 3 is officially coming to consoles and PC later this year. The soon-to-be trilogy of titles is known for its incredible tactical gameplay and attention to detail. The third game has a lot of pressure on it, so it’s not surprising that trailers highlight the many factions you can take control of in battle. One such trailer decided to give a recap of the British Forces.

As the trailer notes, the British forces are the stalwart units you can count on to endure and get things done. Between their personnel, artillery, and range of vehicles, they can take on any threat and handle whatever the situation needs from them. If you need a force to “hunker down” and endure an enemy barrage before taking the fight to the enemy? They’ll do that for you. Or they can blow apart an enemy encampment before charging in to rout the enemy.

It’s appropriate that they focus on these qualities of the British, as that’s what they had to do during World War II. When the Axis powers were all but dominating Europe, the British were the last ones standing until the United States could come in and help rally the Allies to victory. It was a long struggle and wait, but they were able to endure.

You also have to commend the game for its attention to detail regarding the units and weapons the British will have available. If you don’t know who the Gurkas are, you should look them up. They’re a fascinating part of history that isn’t talked about much.

You can see the full British Forces trailer below.

Company Of Heroes 3 promises large-scale tactical gameplay no matter which side you choose. It even has a “dynamic campaign map” where you’ll have such options that you won’t be able to do a campaign the same way twice. You’ll also be able to command your units on land, sea, and air to ensure total battlefield domination.

Just as exciting is the game will take you to the Mediterranean to experience battles you likely haven’t seen in other war games.

Use whatever strategies you feel are necessary to come out on top when the game arrives on February 23rd.

Source: YouTube




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