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Is The Nintendo Switch Going To See An Increase In Production?

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Is The Nintendo Switch Going To See An Increase In Production?

What can we infer from this?

The Nintendo Switch has been an important topic of conversation over the last few weeks. First, some of the chatter was due to the system being the No.1 console in the US, UK, and Japan in 2022 regarding raw unit sales. The second reason was that fans are looking forward to some of the Switch games in 2023, with a heavy hitter launching today on the platform. But the final reason that people are talking about the Switch a lot is its uncertain future. Many wonder when Nintendo will “wind down” the system and prepare for a new system launch.

There have already been many predictions along this front. For example, one prediction said that the upcoming Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom would be the “last big title” for the Nintendo Switch. Another prediction said that the Switch would likely have its successor launch in the back half of 2024 at the earliest. So as you can see, people are throwing out predictions left and right, which makes this new piece of news so interesting.

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Bloomberg reports that Nintendo will ramp up Switch production in the upcoming fiscal period. Nintendo has allegedly told those who help make the systems to expect a bigger console order.

If you recall, Nintendo has had to scale back the Switch production schedule due to the semiconductor shortage that rocked the world. However, things might be slowly turning on that front, and that might be why they’re asking for more:

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