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Persona 5 Royal Gets New Patch

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Persona 5 Royal Gets New Patch

Small, yet important.

There will always be a debate about whether games should have “exclusive ties” or be brought to as many platforms as possible at launch. Of course, arguments exist on both sides of the equation, and based on both sides’ success, neither will budge anytime soon. That being said, there are successes that gamers have that are to be celebrated. Such as when a game that many desired to go multiplatform finally arrives and is everything they hoped for and more. One such came arrived in October of last year via Persona 5 Royal.

The original title came out in 2016, then was upgraded to P5R after a few years. However, it wasn’t until last year that it went off the Sony line of consoles exclusively. The success of that move was immediate, as the upgraded game sold millions in no time flat. Naturally, that furthered the success of the title and the franchise as a whole.

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But that doesn’t mean the game was perfect. Some small issues emerged once the game went multiplatform, and the team at Atlus has fixed some new ones that popped up in a patch.

Patch 1.02-04 has gone live for the various systems, and it fixes a few small bugs that were annoying players. Here are the fixes that were made based on the system.

For the Switch, there was an issue where the screen would randomly dim during gameplay. That has been adjusted. Other Switch players had issues with the network, as it would randomly shut down online functionality after certain things happened. That, too, has been adjusted.

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The Windows version of the game only had “minor bug fixes,” but it’s good to see them getting fixed. Finally, the Steam version had an issue with achievements. They couldn’t be obtained even when their specific conditions were met. That has been adjusted, and you can now reacquire them.

Some will see these as “simple things,” but when you have a bug in the game that is interfering with your gameplay or fun, you want it fixed.

Plus, Atlus is incentivized to keep this game as pristine as possible. They’re days away from releasing their series’ 3rd and 4th mainline games on multiple platforms. So while it’s unlikely that they’ll make the sales of Persona 5 Royal, they’ll want them to do well. So showing that they’ll fix bugs as they pop up will give player confidence to try them out.

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Source: Persona Channel




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