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Apple VR Headset Coming Later This Fall?

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Apple VR Headset Coming Later This Fall?

A new head space?

Apple VR

VR gaming is a fascinating thing. Many see it as one of the “futures” of gaming, which is an interesting claim. There’s no doubt that VR gaming has produced some exciting titles, but its reach has yet to be the grandest. However, that could change in the future. Apple, one of the biggest tech giants in the world currently, has been working on a VR/AR headset for a while. They want to get into the VR game space and given their track record it could be a huge deal if/when it happens. That’s why many will perk up their ears when they hear that the Apple VR headset might get announced a little later this year.

The newest rumor comes from a reporter from Bloomberg. While doing a podcast appearance, he noted that the Apple VR headset would be announced in June and then have a global launch later in the year. Initially, the headset was supposed to be announced this year, but there were delays, so the reveal was pushed back. According to the insider, Apple has been working hard to get this done, even pulling in other people from other departments to help “smooth out the kinks” that are popping up with the device.

It’s also being said that Apple has already sent some of the headsets to developers so that they can start making some content for them. Who those developers are, we can’t say, but Apple must trust them if they’re getting some of the early prototypes to test things on.

Should these rumors be real, you could have another option of VR gaming headsets before the year is done. Whether that impacts the market or not remains to be seen. Currently, the PS VR is the biggest “fish in the sea” in terms of pure video game experience. Its follow-up, the PS VR 2, is set to launch in February.

Both focus on the video game experience, and the original did well during its run, selling a couple of million units. However, comparing that to the sales of the PS4 and the PS5, it hardly compares at all.

That is the big sticking point with VR gaming. You not only need a good game for people to play, but you need to give people a reason to try out VR. It’s not the easiest thing to get into, and that hinders the audience it can reach.

But perhaps with the Apple VR headset, that can change.

Source: 9To5Mac




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