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Octopath Traveler II Gets New “Crossed Path” Story Info

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Octopath Traveler II Gets New “Crossed Path” Story Info

What do a thief and a cleric do when together?

Many big games are coming out earlier in 2023, and many are of the JRPG variety. From the 3rd-party side of things, February has a big release via Octopath Traveler II, one of many titles coming from Square Enix this year. The sequel builds off the incredible success of the original title that came to Switch and PC. But while it is a sequel, it has a new story and eight new characters to play. We’ve slowly been learning about those eight characters, but we’ve also been learning how they’ll interact with one another.

In the original game, while you played the character stories in whatever order you wanted and collected the various character to make a team of four, they rarely interacted. They would make “mental conversations,” for lack of a better word, during the stories, and that would be all. That rang a bit hollow for gamers because it was clear that the characters weren’t alone, and yet they were portrayed as being on their own.

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Octopath Traveler II will fix that through the “Crossed Paths” storyline, where certain characters will team up with one another for side stories that’ll showcase their “relationships.” Square Enix shadow dropped a tease of one such adventure via the tale of Throné and Temenos. The Thief and the Cleric are going to the city of Flamechurch and seeking out a treasure that is allegedly hidden there. As you can see via the screenshots below, the two are quite the “odd couple,” and they’ll have to really work together to find the treasure they seek.

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