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Ed Boon Asks Questions About Mortal Kombat DLC Packs

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Ed Boon Asks Questions About Mortal Kombat DLC Packs

More teases of what’s coming?

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If you’ve been paying attention to Twitter recently and following the posts by NetherRealm Studios head Ed Boon, you’ll know that he’s been making some very interesting statements. Primarily, he’s been teasing all sorts of things about what might come next from the studio. That information is something fans desperately want to know, given that the dev team makes great games. One of the tweets he made yesterday has turned many heads as it differed from the previous statements. He opened a poll to discuss the DLC from past Mortal Kombat games and which ones they’d like “remade.”

As you know, starting with Mortal Kombat 9, the games have had DLC characters enter the fray, and there have been some very diverse characters put into the roster as a result. We’ve gotten everything from Kratos to Rambo! So it’s honestly a big deal when these reveal trailers for the DLC come out, as they always reveal the next few characters that are coming.

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In the poll, Ed Boon cited 11 characters via three packs that could be “remade” for a future game. He lumped them into the “Action Pack,” the “Horror Pack,” and the “Comic Pack” and let gamers choose which ones they’d want the most.

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