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Valve’s Gabe Newell Says Call of Duty Steam Contract Is Not Necessary

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Valve’s Gabe Newell Says Call of Duty Steam Contract Is Not Necessary

Valve trusts Microsoft.

The ongoing battle to secure the acquisition of Activision Blizzard continues to get more and more interesting. We’re sure you are already well aware of the current situation with the acquisition by now. If not, Microsoft is attempting to acquire Activision Blizzard, while Sony has been trying to halt this from happening. Currently, investigations are going on to see if Microsoft will actually get the green light to acquire the company. Overall, the main focus of this acquisition is the potential for losing Call of Duty

With Call of Duty being the particular IP that Sony is concerned with, Microsoft has attempted to ease the burden of losing the franchise. As a result, there have been attempts from Microsoft to offer a ten-year deal that would force Call of Duty games to be featured on PlayStation consoles. While that doesn’t seem to be agreed upon with Sony quite yet, there are two other competitor platforms that Microsoft just struck the same deal with. Both Nintendo and Steam agreed with the contract, which showcases that Microsoft won’t have complete exclusivity of the Call of Duty IP for at least ten years if this acquisition does go through.

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