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Timerra Gets Shown Off In Fire Emblem Engage

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Timerra Gets Shown Off In Fire Emblem Engage

The Cheerful Sentinel

Fire Emblem Engage

The most frequent updates concerning Fire Emblem Engage haven’t been trailers that showcase the grander world or even the battle system that players will enjoy when the game arrives next year. Instead, the most frequent updates concern the characters you’ll play in the game. Since almost the time of the announcement trailer, the title has been doing mini-videos and updates on several characters you’ll encounter in the game. Some are royalty, some are mysterious people you’ll meet along the way, and others are those who will fight by your side. Today, we get another one of those character videos via the reveal of Timerra.

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You might recall briefly seeing her in the title’s recent story trailer. She was one of many characters shown off to indicate how big a world we’d be visiting in Fire Emblem Engage and the traveling we’d do. Timerra is an excellent representation of that journey as she’s the princess of the kingdom of Solm. She is next in line to be the nation’s queen and has been raised to be a ruler since birth. The twist is that because Solm is a “freedom-loving country,” they have a very relaxed way of doing things. As a result, Timerra is very kind, energetic, and friendly with everyone she meets.

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You’ll also quickly realize that she doesn’t wear “royal attire” like the other people we’ve met in the game. She’s a free spirit and is not afraid to show it. In the video below, you’ll notice her in a campfire scene. She notes in it that she loves hanging out with people at campfires and is about to break into a song before the trailer ends. Yes, she writes her own songs and wants you to listen to them. The game has officially become a musical. You’re welcome.

In battle, Timerra is not to be taken lightly. She’s a Sentinel-class at the beginning of the game, and that lets her wield a lance with deadly efficiency. As you can see in the clip, she has incredible agility as she leaps into the air to strike a foe.

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Timerra won’t be the last character we see before the game releases in January. That’ll entice players to look out for every character trailer that arrives so they can get insight into who is waiting for them in the game.

Plus, we still need to learn about some of the Emblem Rings and their abilities, so there’s much more to discover before the title arrives on January 20th.

Source: YouTube




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