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Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Not Tailored Toward Disabled Gamers?

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Not Tailored Toward Disabled Gamers?

Why can’t I see the shinies?

Accessibility in video games is almost a requirement at this point. In AAA titles especially, developers must take care to allow players with visual and audio impairments to play the games as intended. You can look at many recent or upcoming games for examples of how to do accessibility features right. However, if you want to look at one who did them potentially wrong, you must look at Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The game hasn’t been winning over some fans since launch due to the unrefined state that the games are in. But now, the titles are being called out over the colorations of shiny Pokemon.

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According to some online, The Pokemon Company failed to indicate when a player got a shiny Pokemon. To recap, those are the ones that have different coloration and are very rare to find in the wild. The tweet below is from one who had issues with the “lack of accessibility.”

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