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James Delaney Talks History With Minecraft, Blockworks, and more

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James Delaney Talks History With Minecraft, Blockworks, and more

Building up and showing off.

Minecraft is the best-selling game of all time. It’s still funny that we can say that with a straight face because it’s not the title you’d expect to have that moniker. The game lets players harvest resources and create all sorts of works from their imagination. They can make things based on real-life objects, or ones from the fiction that they watch, read or play. But what might surprise you is how far people have taken this game to be a “real-life help” to the world. One of those people is James Delaney, who took the block-filled title and created things like Blockworks.

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Blockworks, Minecraft Master Builds, and Block By Block are all things that he heads up or works with to help showcase the power and potential that the game has. The last one uses Minecraft to create blueprints and models for what future buildings can look like. They even loop in people from the community the buildings will be in so they can have input on their future.

It’s all awe-inspiring, and in an interview, James Delaney talked about how Blockworks started. By his admission, it was an accident:

“BlockWorks started almost by accident – as a group of friends coming together, rather than a professional design studio. There were four of us who shared a love of building in Minecraft and found that we made a good team when we worked on builds together. From there, we invited other builders to join us and soon found ourselves getting paid for producing these builds.”

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He also noted how their goal was to get paid for helping other players at first. But then, companies, non-profits, and more came to them to utilize their skills to use the game to educate people on things or entertain them.

Delaney said that one of the best parts about Blockworks is working with so many different groups of people to build various things. He also likes the challenge of balancing the “this is going to be fun” element of his work with the “this is a huge responsibility, and it serves a purpose” part of the job.

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Funnily enough, he was a big fan of the game early on because he was a big LEGO user as a child. When he mixed that with his architectural background, it gave him more of an appreciation for how things are made differently, and the rest is history.

Source: ScreenRant




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