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Is Kid Icarus: Uprising Coming To Nintendo Switch?

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Is Kid Icarus: Uprising Coming To Nintendo Switch?

And is he still sorry for keeping us waiting?

Kid Icarus: Uprising

To those that don’t know the full scope of Nintendo history, it might surprise you that in the early days of Nintendo systems, one of their biggest franchise was the Kid Icarus series. It’s true. At one time, they were very popular games, and the main character of Pit even had cameos in games like Mario Kart. However, for one reason or another, the series fell away from Nintendo, and they didn’t use it again. That is, until Pit arrived in Super Smash Bros Brawl, which sparked a new interest in the series and led to Kid Icarus: Uprising being born on the Nintendo 3DS.

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The game served as a revitalization of the series while also continuing the story from the past games. They even did a bunch of references to the past titles via very meta moments. The game was successful on the 3DS and sold over 1 million units. Many felt this would be the start of many games starring Pit, but that didn’t happen. So outside of future Smash Bros appearances, Pit didn’t get another game.

However, things might be changing. The man behind Kid Icarus: Uprising, Masahiro Sakurai, has posted another video in his “Creating Games” series, and in it was this line:

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