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Fire Emblem Engage Gets New Story Trailer

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Fire Emblem Engage Gets New Story Trailer

Everyone you love…is dead…

Fire Emblem Engage

Fire Emblem Engage will be the first major 1st-party title to come to the Nintendo Switch in 2023, and gamers are very excited about what this story might bring. But so far, we’ve only had one trailer to gauge what the title will be like. That changed today, however, as a new story trailer for the game emerged, and it shed a lot of light on the game’s story, world, and more. If nothing else, this tale will be one of both light and dark elements, and the fate of all involved might not be as clear-cut as in previous titles.

The first thing the trailer makes clear is the importance of the main character and their connection to the rings. Alear is with his dying mother, and she begs him to collect all the Emblem rings so that he can fight off the Fell Dragon. Another critical detail is that Alear doesn’t have all their memories, but collecting the rings will allow him to reclaim them and learn the truth about who he is. What truth would that be? That’s the mystery and is teased throughout the trailer. Such as when Alear asks Marth about who he was back then, and Marth struggles to give a full answer. At the end of the trailer, we also see an Alear who looks quite evil, so perhaps there is more to his past than we realize.

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In terms of worldbuilding, the new Fire Emblem Engage trailer took us to the various other kingdoms of the region and teased their loyalties and allegiances. Some are willing to join the cause against the Fell Dragon, while others are its worshippers and want nothing more than to bring the dragon back to full power.

Multiple characters, both good and bad, were shown off in the trailer. Ones that’ll join your party or be the obstacles that you need to overcome as the game progresses.

Then, with the Emblem Rings, we got another tease of who will be in the game. Ike, Lucina, Roy, and Lyn were all shown battling alongside other characters in one form or another. The twist is that these rings can be corrupted, as both Lyn and Marth were shown on the dark side after being taken by enemy forces.

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It’s a fascinating trailer, and the graphics shown via the cutscenes look incredibly crisp. We’ll find out next January how quality the game is in full.

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