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Origins Of Star Wars Eclipse Leaks Clarified Amid Confusion

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Origins Of Star Wars Eclipse Leaks Clarified Amid Confusion

Conflict brings context

A week ago a podcast revealed some leaked details regarding the plot of the upcoming Quantic Dream developed title, Star Wars: Eclipse. That podcast, Sacred Symbols: A PlayStation Podcast and specifically its host Colin Moriarty, shared a range of fascinating narrative insights into the game’s narrative, including the game revolving around a woman named Sarah, who is part of a new race within the universe called The Zaraan. Moriarty noted that the Zaraan runs an empire with an iron fist, but marrying someone called Xendo, the pair consequently become military leaders, and the typical Quantic Dream-styled decision-making comes into play. A rift forms between the pair due to their relationship romantically but also professionally.

There were several other key elements that Moriarty discussed, but as the news was spreading last week it reached the eyes and ears of another incredibly prominent insider, Tom Henderson, who then reported upon Moriarty’s findings, referring to them as a “controlled leak.” Henderson claimed that he had been able to independently verify Moriarty’s report, claiming that the source was the same person responsible for providing early details on Netease’s acquisition of Quantic Dream, several months before that news became official public knowledge. Henderson’s source conveyed that the leak Moriarty received was a “controlled leak,” and so Henderson reported as such.

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Moriarty’s subsequent episode of his show, provided him the platform to respond to Henderson’s reporting and consequently share some further insights into how this news came to be. A controlled leak is something intentional, something that developers and publishers might do to allow some information into the wild, in the hopes of gleaning some insight from the communities response. Moriarty took issue with the suggestion that he may have been a pawn in the plans of Quantic Dream and/or Netease and Disney saying,

Alright I wanted to make a quick note, last week we of course leaked some of the nature of the plot details surrounding Star Wars: Eclipse, which is the Quantic Dream game. Quantic Dream of course made Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls, and Detroit: Become Human, long time PlayStation partner and now they’re working on this LucasFilm game, and it probably won’t come out until 2026-2027, and my sourcing indicates the game’s not even in production right now, they’re still in pre-production… Now I leaked the story details, and it was picked up by a lot of outlets and I think that’s really cool, however Tom Henderson, who is a well known industry insider, who I consider very good at the craft, who we cite often on our show, picked up the piece, and then called a “controlled leak”, and I take great umbrage with this… This is often talked about, but doesn’t happen in the games industry alot, anyone who says it does, doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

What bothered me about this is that I would believe it if someone said this about somthing, but the only person who knows who the source is, is me, and I’m telling you that this is impossible for this to even be true, and I messaged Tom as much, I’m not going to obviously give away the name of the source or anything like that, but I just gave him some details, telling him like listen dude, you’re wrong. If you knew who the source was, if you knew where this came from, you’d know you were wrong, and I’m just telling you as a personal courtesy, because you’re usually right on the money, but you’re not right here. He hasn’t retracted, and we talked back and forth in perfectly friendly conversation, but I wanted to put it out there because I feel like it just has to be said, that this kind of bothered me in the sense that it distorted the reporting, it’s not true.

While this may come across as two insiders bickering, it all provides context to the nature of these Star Wars: Eclipse leaks, and builds the intrigue around the project more broadly. Perhaps this conflict will result in more information emerging soon

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