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Overwatch 2 Won’t Be “Fixing” Moira Soon

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Overwatch 2 Won’t Be “Fixing” Moira Soon

Deal with her.

When it comes to titles that have variety, especially a variety of characters that you can use in the game, gamers will try and go beyond what the developers had in mind. By that, we mean gamers will try to think outside the box to develop new strategies and plans of attack. For example, the Overwatch series is famous for its various heroes and villains with a wide range of abilities, skills, attacks, debuffs, and so on. The key is to find the one that works for you and then work hard to perfect how you use them. Blizzard has tried to balance these characters, but it sometimes comes at a cost. Or, in the case of Overwatch 2, it’s being ignored.

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The game is still plagued with issues, but one of them concerns the character of Moira. Her class was intended to make her a supporting character. However, over time, fans realized she could be a great DPS character. That’s “Damage Per Second” for those not in the know. You will love how she plays if you’re the person doing the damage as Moira. But if you wanted a Moira on your team so they can heal you when you’re wounded, you’re sometimes out of luck.

That brings us to Blizzard. They saw what the fans were saying about Moira and made promises to fix her. Or at the least, balance her skills out so that she’s played more as the support character she initially intended to be. Gamers have been waiting patiently for that update, but it’s not come. But, then, on Twitter, one of the game’s designers admitted that it’s not coming soon but instead, “down the road.”

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“For Moira, want to make sure we get it right,” said Dawson. “Tons of people love her playstyle, so we want any added utility to not break her flow and approachability. Have some ideas, but down the road a bit.”

That sounds like something, but it might honestly be hot air. After all, they’ve gone to work quickly in the past to fix characters that “broke the game.” So why not fix this character that many feels break the game differently?

The answer is that they are struggling to keep up with all the issues Overwatch 2 has had since its troubled launch. Gamers across the platforms are enjoying the title for the most part, but things like Moira are bringing it down. The new grinding system is annoying players to no end, the microtransactions have recently been called out, and Moira is just one character gamers don’t like due to changes or lack of changes.

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In short, Blizzard is putting out a lot of fires. So fans who want Moira adjusted will have to wait their turn.

Source: Twitter




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