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Black Adam Expected To Win Second Box Office Weekend

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Black Adam Expected To Win Second Box Office Weekend

The man in black is still sending them.

Black Adam

The release of Black Adam in theaters has caused a lot of discussion for a multitude of reasons. The biggest one is the disparity between the critical and fan reception. If you listen solely to the critics, as noted on Rotten Tomatoes, the movie is an “uneven and underdeveloped film” that isn’t worth your time. Currently, it has a 40% score on Rotten Tomatoes from the critics’ reviews. However, the movie is excellent and worth viewing if you listen to the fans’ standpoint. Some fans have even said they’ve seen it multiple times. Fans gave the film a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes and a CinemaScore of B+. They’ve also nominated it for three different People’s Choice Awards despite the film being out less than a week.

So again, there is a disparity here. But the results at the box office have proven that the movie is doing well, quite well even. The first weekend exceeded projections by getting close to $70 million domestically. It did even better internationally; thus, many have deemed the movie a success. However, as most moviegoers know, how much a film drops off on the second weekend in theaters is heavily monitored. Just this year, multiple superhero films had a big launch but a heavy drop-off in the second weekend. So where does Black Adam stand amongst them?

Current projections for the Halloween weekend say that Black Adam will make around $25 million in its second run at the box office. That’s a $43 million drop from its initial run. Before you wave the warning flags, most superhero films have that kind of a drop-off at theaters. Plus, much like with the opening weekend, these are just projections. Some projections have the film doing closer to $30 million, which would make it closer to a 50% drop.

Even on the low side, that’s still a success. When Morbius came out earlier this year, it had a $40 million opening; the following weekend, it was down to $10 million. That’s only a $30 million drop, but compared to the other films, that’s a plummet in its earnings. Oh, and don’t get us started on its “second viewing” in theaters. That was even more of a disaster than the first.

Compared to this film starring The Rock, fans are coming to see the movie and continue praising it. The Rock has said multiple times that the movie was made for the fans, and the fans have responded exceptionally well, as we noted. They’re eager to see what happens next with “The Man In Black” and hope this is a start of a new era for the DCEU.

Given the recent announcements about future DC Comics properties, the outlook on that hope is excellent. But only time will tell.





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