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Red Dead Redemption 2 Fans Continue To Ask For Next-Gen Upgrade

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Red Dead Redemption 2 Fans Continue To Ask For Next-Gen Upgrade

The people want framerates!

Red Dead Redemption 2’s development is an exercise in patience. The original title came out in 2010 and was dubbed an instant classic by gamers and critics. The title sold incredibly well, had fun DLC and more. As such, fans asked for a sequel, and Rockstar Games didn’t announce anything for many years. Then, when they did announce it, they took their time with its development so that they could make the title the sequel it needed to be. By the time it came out in 2018, over eight years had passed since the original. Yet, the game was worth the wait, as it won multiple Game of the Year awards and was praised for its gameplay and story.

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Then, like another title from Rockstar, it got the online treatment, which fans have been partaking in for years. You’d think that with all of this, they’d be satisfied and enjoy what they have. But we all know gamers are rarely happy. If you look on the PS5 Reddit page, you’ll notice a thread that piggybacks off of a long-desired wish for Red Dead Redemption 2. Specifically, they want a next-gen upgrade for the title for the PS5 and Xbox Series X.

In case you didn’t know, this post wasn’t random. It noted how it’d been four years since the title’s release. The post also stated that since the game’s release and in the immediate aftermath of its success, Rockstar Games and Take-Two made a lot of money and saw their stock value skyrocket. They also have over 2500 people working for them, yet they can’t give the fans a 60FPS rate on next-gen systems.

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To be clear, you can play Red Dead Redemption 2 on next-gen systems. It’s just the “upgrade” that they often offer isn’t present in the title. If you think that this is a “person yelling at a cloud,” you’d be wrong. Fans have been asking for this since the launch of the Xbox Series X and PS5. On the Reddit post, the upvotes are nearing 8,000. Plus, the author noted that they got on the front page of Reddit! That’s quite an honor.

So why do fans want the 60FPS mode for the title? Simply put, a faster framerate means that the game’s animations are smoother, making the game even crisper. Of course, there’s technically nothing wrong with 30FPS, and plenty of games run off that framerate. But when you have next-gen systems that boast titles that can do 60FPS easily, you get the desire to see that for all the games on them. Add to that; multiple AAA titles have gotten the “next-gen upgrade” since the release of the new systems.

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Can fans expect Rockstar Games to give them what they want? It’s hard to say. But it will take more than a Reddit post to convince them.

Source: Reddit




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