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2022 Global Industry Game Awards Ends With Many Awards For Deathloop

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

2022 Global Industry Game Awards Ends With Many Awards For Deathloop

The successful loop continues

Video game award shows aren’t the most popular in fans’ eyes. If you think about it, we only watch The Game Awards, and that show has gone through multiple iterations in its life already. But for developers, these shows are a chance to see how much fans and fellow industry veterans enjoy their titles. So while it may not mean the most to you, it means quite a bit to them. For example, last night, the International Game Developers Association hosted the 2022 Global Industry Game Awards. The show gave awards for all manner of categories in game design. Deathloop came out on top with thirteen awards when all was said and done.

Some categories it won awards for include its 3D environments, voice acting, system design, marketing, QA, representation, and more. When you look at the complete list, you’ll notice that many of these awards go beyond the standard awards video games usually get. Instead, they prefer to look at the more technical side of things and the “behind-the-scenes” work that goes into making titles like these. Still, getting thirteen awards at any show is impressive. Plus, you could argue that this shows the quality of the team at Arkane Studios, as they were able to get awards that covered the gambit of people who work at the studio.

If you’re curious, some other big winners at the award show were It Takes Two, Ratchet and Clank: A Rift Apart, Unboxing, and more. A diverse lineup of titles.

Getting back to Deathloop, the title from Arkane is the latest in a long line of quality works from the team. They’ve become very reliable in making great games with unique twists. After all, they were the team behind the two Dishonored titles, a series that many want a third game from. So one could argue that their newest title was the culmination of everything they’ve built up so far, and the awards proved how well it worked alongside the sales.

If you’ve never played the game, the title takes place on a mysterious island. You somehow end up there and soon realize that you are trapped in a time loop. The only way to get off the island is to kill a specific set of people scattered throughout it.

Using a variety of powers and weapons, you’ll race through the areas of the island to try and kill them all before the time loop resets. With each failed attempt, you’ll get new ideas on how to get the job done and new powers that can help you get through. But there’s also a multiplayer element to the game. Another player is in your run and is trying to kill you to force the time loop restart.

Fans and critics love the title, so you should try it out yourself.





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