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Final Fantasy XVI Receives Status Update From Team

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Final Fantasy XVI Receives Status Update From Team

How close are we to release?

Final Fantasy XVI

Final Fantasy XVI is said to be completely different from past titles in the series. The dev team has said in the past that it will have a different feel in the battle system and a more mature storyline. In fact, the game will be the first M-rated title in the franchise’s history. That shows you just how different and profound they’re going to need such a rating. Plus, when you add in the trailer we received yesterday about the game, you’ll see just how wide a scope the title will be. But that still raises the question of when the game will come out.

In a development update post on Twitter, the team gave an update on where they are in terms of the progress of the game:

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“With regards to development, the team has turned the corner and entered the home stretch, and is currently concentrating its efforts on debugging, tweaking, polishing, and optimization,” producer Naoki Yoshida said.

That’s good to hear. The released trailer did seem to imply that there was a lot done visually and with the combat system, but one can easily make a trailer based on only the first few hours of the game. Thankfully, that doesn’t seem to be the case here. As for what comes next, the producer talked about that too:

“As for promotion, over the next few weeks, myself, Main Director Hiroshi Takai, Creative Director Kazutoyo Maehiro, and Localization Director Michael-Christopher Koji Fox will be taking part in interviews with multiple media outlets from across the globe to bring you even more information, so make sure you keep your eyes out for those as well!”

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That is also good news, because fans have many questions about what Final Fantasy XVI will be like, play like, etc. So hearing from the dev team on these topics will likely put fans at ease. Or, at the very least, give them more context on what to expect.

Also in the message from the team was director Hiroshi Takai, who reaffirmed that the team is in the debugging phase of production. But he also noted that the team was working on something “truly special.” That shows you how much faith they have in this title, even with its differences from previous mainline titles in the saga.

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From the trailer yesterday, we learned that the continent we’ll be on is dying due to a terrible blight, and the only hope for survival is the Mothercrystals. But multiple kingdoms are going after the crystals—each with its own goals on how they should and would be used. Plus, there are beings in the world that can transform into powerful beings and summon mighty monsters.

A lot is going on here, and that makes the wait for the game more exciting.

Source: Twitter




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