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Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3 Portable Get Rave Reviews On Switch

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Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3 Portable Get Rave Reviews On Switch

Ready to unlock your Persona’s once again?

It always feels good when something you want comes out and lives up to the hype or expectations you had for it. For example, if you’ve been anticipating a video game release, the last thing you want is for it not to be good. Nintendo Switch fans have had a specific wish for Atlus over the last five years. They wanted them to bring their Persona line to the console. At first, they only wanted the fifth entry, given how epic and popular it was. But Atlus did one better and decided to bring Persona 4 Golden and Persona 3 Portable to the Switch.

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It’s not far from release at the time of this writing, and for you Switch owners, you will be happy to hear that both versions are said to play incredibly on the Switch. A slew of reviews of the Switch version have come out, and both sing the praises of the games and the Switch:

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