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What Is Hideo Kojima Teasing Us With Now?

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

What Is Hideo Kojima Teasing Us With Now?

He’s a surefire winner of the “best cryptic tweets of the year” award.

Xbox Hideo Kojima

In what’s more than likely the most confusing teaser of the day, Hideo Kojima is back with yet another mind-boggler of a tweet for us all to decrypt. The iconic game developer has dropped another mysterious clue for fans to obsess over and attempt to decipher, as the gaming community once again asks the question; what is he actually talking about?

In his latest announcement, Kojima has tweeted a new image of what appears to be a shadowed-over face, accompanied by an equally mind-boggling caption. The image seems to be the same picture Kojima shared last month during Tokyo Game Show, which had the words “who am I?” imposed on top of the blanked-out face. Some fans are under the impression that the darkened visage belongs to none other than the actress Elle Fanning, although there’s been no official confirmation on this as yet.

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