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Marvel’s Avengers Giving Away More MCU Outfits

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Marvel’s Avengers Giving Away More MCU Outfits

Shall we suit up again?

Marvel’s Avengers is a gaming title known for its lackluster launch on consoles and PC and a failed attempt to capitalize on the momentum past superhero titles gave. After the success of the Batman Arkham franchise by Rocksteady and Marvel’s Spider-Man from Insomniac, it seemed like a perfect time to bring in Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. Like those other titles, a respected development team in Crystal Dynamics took on the challenge of making a fun title. They successfully rebooted the Tomb Raider saga to great effect, so their tackling Marvel heroes should’ve been easy. It wasn’t. So much so that the game is mocked to this day, including how they gift their fans.

Case in point, a new revelation has come from Crystal Dynamics via a Twitter post. In it, they reveal that fans will get access to three suits for the Avengers that tie to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For Tony Stark, you’ll get the Iron Man II suit. Thor will get his MCU suit from the first movie of his line. Also, Captain America will get the suit worn by the character when the Avengers movie came out. All three suits appear in the video and are very impressive in terms of visuals.

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