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Dead Space Remake Screenshots Leaked Early

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Dead Space Remake Screenshots Leaked Early

Dead Space looks alive and very well!

There are few things in this life that are certain, the sun will rise in the morning, death, that pineapple belongs on pizza, and that if you’re a video game marketer, you’re going to be bald because you’ve torn your hair out on multiple occasions following a video game leak. Today it’s the marketing team overseeing EA’s Dead Space remake that are short a few hairs today as a few screenshots, as well as the game’s box art, have seemingly spilled out over the internet due to an Xbox Store listing for the game that went live a little too early.

There were three inarguably stunning screenshots that hit the web thanks to the listing, and it was the quick fingers of Twitter accounts like Nibel who captured all of them before passing them onto the world for consumption. Players also got to read up on some specific details pertaining to the remake.

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