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Dungeons & Dragons Movie Subtitled ‘Honor Among Thieves’

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Dungeons & Dragons Movie Subtitled ‘Honor Among Thieves’

Just the news you’ve been waiting for.

Dungeons & Dragons

If you didn’t know, there is a Dungeons & Dragons movie coming out in 2023. You wouldn’t be the only one that hasn’t heard much though; the film has been wrapped for quite some time and yet, not much has been spoken about regarding this film, not even a mouse’s whisper. What we do know is that Paramount Pictures are distributing the movie, which makes it that much stranger that we haven’t heard any other news. Well, that was all true until now, because it has just been confirmed via Twitter, that the movie will be subtitled ‘Honor Among Thieves’.

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