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New Images For The Night Of The Living Dead Mego Figures

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

EMCE Toys has posted some new images of their newly released Mego figures based on the cult classic Night of the Living Dead.

Finally, after almost a year, our GRAVEYARD ZOMBIE and BEN action figures have finally arrived and are on their way to customers.

Retailers who ordered through Diamond should be receiving their shipments now, and any that were direct-ordered through EMCE, Dr. Mego, the Dread Central Evilshop or will be receiving theirs within days. Those figs are in-house at our East Coast warehouse and being packed for shipping RIGHT NOW!

We’d like to thank all of you who pre-ordered the figures earlier this year and we hope the toys live up to their expectations. They’re personal favorites of ours (or we would never have done them) and we look forward to playing with them when we’re done shipping!

Here are some pics of the figures, fresh from the case!

We have mirrored the images. They can be seen by clicking the headline of the story. The original story can be seen Here.


CompaniesDiamond Select Toys



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