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The Spirit Minimates Coming From Diamond

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

Art Asylum has updated their blog with news on some new Minimates they will be releasing through Diamond Select Toys.

Sure, we all know the Spirit film is based on Will Eisner’s The Spirit. But…gasp!…did you know DST is now bringing you the original comic Minimates? Own your own bit of comic history!

So here’s a little trivia for your day: Unlike the movie version, the Spirit was originally in a Blue Suit and a red tie. Which, in my eyes, makes him a blue collar hero!

In this never-before-done set, our “blue collar” hero is joined by black widow femme fatale, P’Gell! Dressed in her trademark red gown and her “I’m mildly amused” expression, our hero must continually elude her advances! Or will he succumb to her will and become another doomed husband?

Also included, my favorite spy, The Squid, joins the pack. He’s oh so debonair… the bow tie is a nice touch… but wait! What’s that on his face! OMG… He ‘s got a gas mask for a face! That must mean… he’s a bad guy!

Which could be why included in the set is a Battle Damaged Spirit! Perhaps those espionage games got a little too hairy for our leading man’s attire?

In any case, I’m getting my own set, so I can continue this storyline at my desk…

Enjoy the picture!

The original blog post can be seen Here.


CompaniesDiamond Select Toys
CharactersThe Spirit



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