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Lego Sets Sales Record In 2008

浙江小狐狸玩具有限公司 发表于

From Playthings comes word that Lego, despite an industry wide sales decline of 3%, recorded record sales in 2008.

Lego Systems achieved a record 38 percent jump in U.S. consumer sales in 2008, the building toy maker said today.

The North American division of Denmark’s privately held The Lego Group attributed the results to “a well-balanced product portfolio, healthy retail partnerships and the brand’s heritage and reputation for quality play materials and long-lasting play value.”

Lego’s 2008 sales gain was its fourth consecutive year of consumer sales growth. It propelled the company to fifth place on The NPD Group’s list of top U.S. toy manufacturers for 2008, according to Lego, responsible for 3 percent, or approximately $650 million, of the U.S. toy industry’s $21.6 billion in 2008 sales.

You can read the rest of the article Here.





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